Tuesday 6 October 2015

Update/Modify Maximo Welcome Message at Login Page and Start Center - IBM Maximo

Change/Modify Title of Maximo Login Screen to differentiate production, test, development environments.
And also change the Welcome Message on Top Left of Start Center Screen.

“Welcome to Maximo”
welcomemaximomessage message is displayed in the upper portion of Login Page and in Page Title. 

Navigation Path: Start Center > Platform Configuration> Database configuration > Actions > Messages
Message Key :  welcomemaximomessage
Value:          Welcome to Maximo (Test Server)   

welcomeusername message is displayed in the upper left corner of the start center main page.

Message Key :  welcomeusername
Value:          Welcome to Maximo (Test Server)  
Sign Out and Sign in Maximo to confirm that the changes have taken effect.

2. Another way by using Database Update command

update MAXMESSAGES set VALUE='Welcome to Maximo (Test Server)'      where MSGKEY= welcomemaximomessage;

update L_MAXMESSAGES set VALUE='Welcome to Maximo (Test Server)'      where ownerid=(select maxmessagesid from MAXMESSAGES where MSGKEY= welcomemaximomessage);

update MAXMESSAGES set VALUE='Welcome to Maximo (Test Server), {0}' where MSGKEY='welcomeusername';

update L_MAXMESSAGES set VALUE='Welcome to Maximo (Test Server), {0}' where ownerid=(select maxmessagesid from MAXMESSAGES where MSGKEY='welcomeusername');

External Reference by IBM Support http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21499942


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. When I update via script the text doesn't change. Any ideas? It works fine when I update via the front end.

    1. Figured it out… Surprisingly I found nothing about this while googling, that you had to do this if you use a script to update maxmessages.

      After you update the maxmessages table you have to trigger the servers to reload the maxmessagecache. You can do this from a db script by updating the value of serversession.reloadcache for all servers to “MAXMESSAGECACHE”. The servers then update their message cache and the value of reloadcache returns to null.

      I guess I should say that we are on Weblogic, Maximo so maybe this is not needed for a system on Websphere?


      update MAXMESSAGES set VALUE='This is the new text I want on the login screen'
      where MSGKEY= 'welcomemaximomessage';
      update serversession set reloadcache='MAXMESSAGECACHE';

  3. how can you change color for the e.g. "Welcome to PROD" message on login screen.
