Monday 16 January 2017

Formula Average Cost of an Item | IBM Maximo

(Old Balance * Old Average Cost) + (Receipt Qty * Receipt Cost) /
(Old Balance + Receipt Qty)

for example:

Old Balance: 0
Old Average Cost: $1000.00
Receipt Qty(one new item purchased): 1
Receipt Cost: $4000.00

(0 x 1000) + (1 x 4000) / (0 + 1) = 4000

Saturday 14 January 2017

Get Location data using REST API in External application | IBM Maximo

create a html file named index.html
paste this code into it.

<form action="http://maximo/maxrest/rest/mbo/locations?_lid=maxadmin&_lpwd=maxadmin" method="GET" >
GET LOCATION type location:<input type="text" name="location" value="SEG100" />
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" />

Post/Update Asset's Description using POST method:
<form action="http://maximo/maxrest/rest/mbo/asset/123?_lid=maxadmin&_lpwd=maxadmin" method="POST" >
POST/UPDATE ASSET<input type="text" name="description" value="new description HVAC System- 50 Ton Cool Cap/ 450000 Btu Heat Cap" />
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" />

Get Person Record using REST API | IBM Maximo

Create a file for example, index.html
paste this code into it.

<form action="http://maximo/maxrest/rest/os/MXPERSON/3?_lid=maxadmin&_lpwd=maxadmin" method="GET" >
GET person where personuid is 3:<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" />
<form action="http://maximo/maxrest/rest/os/mxperson" method="GET" >
GET PERSON enter personid:<input type="text" name="personid" value="WILSON" />
<input type="submit" value="SUBMIT" />

How to Deploye a Web Service | IBM Maximo

first check this system properties, it should be set to 1

Now go to integration, web servcies library application
New(b), Create Web Service, Create From Object Structure
select MXASSET > and hit Create(b) button

Open newly created MXASSET in list view
in select action menu > deploye to AS web Service Container > Generate Deployement File Entries

now copy this file fro c:\mif\jaxws\deplmodule.dar
to c:\ib\smp\maximo\deployement\ folder

redeploye EAR file (bulidmaximoear.cmd)

after if all goes good

hit this url: http://<host>:<port>/meaweb/wsdl/mxasset.wsdl

Common Question: "how do I define my locations?" | IBM Maximo

One of the most common questions that planners who are trying to implement Maximo have to ask is "how do I define my locations?".

This document helps you define your locations in Maximo. 

Defining Locations in Maximo

Configuring Multiple "Go To Application" Options with Lookup | IBM Maximo

suppose in invoice application, there is a PO field from where we can jump back to PO by clicking on "Go to >> Purhcase Order "

Today we are going to set multiple application in this "Go to" ;

A simple tip is here to do that, we just need to append the property of desired field in application designer named "Go to Application".

for example, Open Invoice application in application designer

right click to open properties of PO field
there is already entered a value (PO) in "Go to Application" property.
we just need to append another after PO like this (PO,RECEIPT)

note: don't type a space after comma;

and we are done :)

Save Record When User Moves from One Tab to Another | IBM Maximo

for example in Workorder Tracking Application, when user moves to PLAN tab, record should save.

Export presentation XML file from application designer, 
filter workorder tracking application, 
note: make a copy (backup)
open XML in notepad

find 'tab' element i.e. <tab id="plans"
add tabchangeevent="save" property in tab element

it will look after adding
<tab id="plans" label="Plans" tabchangeevent="save">

Export Flat file with Enable Event Listner MIF - IBM Maximo

1. Object Structure 
New > D-Person  Demo Person AQ_PERSON_OS
Consumed by : Integration
Support Flat structure Flag : True
Source Person
Exclude all column except , personid, firstname, lastname

2. Publish Channel
New > D-Person Demo Publish Channel Person AQ_PERSON_PC
Operation: Publish
Object Struction: D-Person AQ_PERSON_OS
Action > Enable Event Listner
Action > Message Tracking > Enable Message Tracking Flag : True > Ok(b)

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Change Status using REST API integrated in HTML | IBM MAXIMO

REST API (Representational State Transfer) (Application Programming Interface)
it was introduced in 7501, a new protocol to integrate Maximo with external systems.
Its a part of Maximo Integration Framework (MIF) works and can be use to CRUD.
With Business objects (Mbo) and Object structures (OS)

Useful Links

For example, lets try to change the stautus of a Workorder using REST API

create a html file named index.html
paste this code into it.

Monday 9 January 2017

Modify "Change Status" Description | IBM Maximo

1. In Domain Application, filter PR Status
2. Modify Description and hit OK
We are done :)

Maximo 7.6 Installation Procedure Step by Step | IBM Maximo

with new features Maximo 7.6 has introduced a number of technology updates, first look is and updated installer.

A document describes how to download IBM® Maximo® Asset Management 7.6 using the IBM Passport Advantage web site.

DEOCK YONG SHIN (ExInEx) has published a very detailed screen by screen installation procedure to Install Maxio 7.6 at IBM Developer Works!/wiki/Anything%20about%20Tivoli/page/Maximo%207.6%20installation%20procedure
Another published article and very documented step by step procedure to install Maximo 7.6 by Richard Lesses 

  1. Installing Maximo 7.6: A first look, part 1
  2. Installing Maximo 7.6: A first look, part 2
  3. Installing Maximo 7.6: A first look, part 3
  4. Installing Maximo 7.6: A first look, part 4

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Disable Emailing of Password when Updating Password | IBM Maximo

in Security > Users Application
Click Security Controls from Select Action
Select " Allow Generated Passwords to Be Displayed On Screen option"
and hit OK.

we are done :)

By disabling this option, you do not need to set up the SMTP server or provide email information for the user when creating a new user and password or updating an existing password.

Monday 2 January 2017

Maximo 7.6 Developement Environment, EAR Deployment and Mbo Customization | IBM Maximo

Download Eclipse Kepler (64bit) from:
run Eclipse.exe if java is already installed, or copy websphere/Appserver/jre c:\eclipse\ folder.
start Eclipse.exe and set java compiler settings, (Windows > Preferences > java > compiler > 1.7)

1. Create a new Java project Proj01, Finish
2. extract maximo.ear file into this workspace/Proj01/maximo folder (C:\IBM\SMP\maximo\deployment\default\maximo.ear)
3. Add JARS in Project Properties > Java Build Path > Add Jars(b)
    Add the following jars
Done :)
thanks to Bruno Quick Setup Development Environment

Sunday 1 January 2017

Create a Child Table Using Table Control | IBM Maximo

1. First drag and drop a table control in Maximo, set properties as below:

Data Source Id:            main_tasks_table
Relationship:               Master_Detail_Relation (master to detail main relationship)

2. Drag a Default value control and set properties as below:
From Data Source ID: MAINRECORD
From Attribute: ParentTableID
Attribute: ChildTableID