Thursday 30 November 2017

How to create a READ_ONLY User in Database | Oracle

1. connect with sqlplus with dba rights
sqlplus / as sysdba

2. create a simple user and give password:
create user test identified by test;
3. Give some grants to newly created user, like create session, and select
grant CREATE SESSION to test;
grant SELECT ANY TABLE to test;

Wednesday 29 November 2017

How to Find Serial Number of your Computer | Windows

run this command in your command prompt:


Generate Alert Notification on Condition Monitoring Warning Limits Using Escalations | IBM Maximo

We can generate alert notification email in IBM Maximo condition monitoring application when the measurement value of gauge meter crosses the upper or lower warning limit. The following escalation will generate the email when the measurement value for the asset meter is between upper and lower warning and action limits.


Wednesday 8 November 2017

Stop Work Order From Closing or Completing Without Entering Actual Labor (Including Task Labor Work Order Array) | IBM Maximo

We will use automation script from stopping users from closing or completing workorder without actual labor transaction which also includes task work order labor array.

  • Launch Point: Object Lauch Point
  • Business object:  WORKORDER
  • Variables: 
    • var_act_lab bind with array using relation LABTRANS.LABTRANSID*
    • var_task_lab  bind with array of task work order relation WOACTIVITY.LABTRANS.LABTRANSID*
  • Create error message in database configuration with errorgroup = 'wo' and errorkey = 'act_lab_exists'
  • Condition: :status in ('COMP', 'CLOSE')

Wednesday 1 November 2017