Tuesday 4 July 2023

How to Download Videos Shared on Microsoft SharePoint and 365 | Microsoft

Is it possible to download a video shared over Microsoft SharePoint or 365 when we can watch it but are unable to download it?


Have you ever encountered a situation where you're able to watch a video shared on Microsoft SharePoint or 365, but you can't seem to find a way to download it? In this guide, we'll walk you through a simple solution that empowers you to download these videos using the versatile media converter, ffmpeg.

Solution: Using FFmpeg Video Converter

FFmpeg is a powerful and universal media converter that can handle a wide range of media tasks, including converting and transcoding videos. Follow these steps to download videos that you can watch but can't download directly from Microsoft SharePoint or 365:

ffmpeg is a universal media converter. It can read a wide variety of inputs - including live grabbing/recording devices - filter, and transcode them into a plethora of output formats.

Step 1: Install FFmpeg (Version 6.0)

Linux: Use APT or DNF to install FFmpeg.

apt install ffmpeg

Windows: Utilize CHOCO for a quick installation or manually download and install FFmpeg.

choco install ffmpeg 

Step 2: Copy the Video Manifest Link

  1. Open your web browser and navigate to the video you wish to download.
  2. Start the video playback and then access the browser's inspect tools.
  3. In the inspect tools, select the "Network" tab and use the filter to search for "videomanifest".
  4. Reload the video page and let it play for a moment. This action will generate network activity related to the video.
  5. Within the network activity, locate the "videomanifest" entry and copy the associated link.

Step 3: Download the Video Using FFmpeg

Now that you have the "videomanifest" link, you can use FFmpeg to download the video:

Open a terminal or command prompt and use the following command, replacing "past-link-here" with the copied manifest link and "any-name.mp4" with your preferred filename.

ffmpeg -i "past-link-here" -codec copy any-name.mp4

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