Wednesday 27 December 2017

Revised Maximo 76 Report Administration and Feature Guide | Maximo

This guide highlights on the Administration process of the Maximo BIRT reporting functionality.

It starts with an overview of the installation process, file and database structure, and then moves into reviews of scheduling, emailing and security. It concludes with detailed reviews of each of the Report Administration actions, along with property settings and cron tasks. Throughout the guide, best practice recommendations are highlighted.

Friday 8 December 2017

Stop Work Order Creation When The Asset is Down (Condition Monitoring) Using Automation Script | IBM Maximo

Maximo will not (automatically or manually) create work order from condition monitoring when the selected asset is down using the following automation script.

  • Launch Point: Object Lauch Point
  • Business object:  WORKORDER
  • Script Language: Python
  • Variables: 
    • asset (bind variable isrunning using relation MEASUREPOINT.ASSET.ISRUNNING)
    • point (bind variable POINTNUM)
  • Event: Save, Add, Before Save