Thursday 25 May 2017

Embed HTML in Maximo Labels | IBM Maximo

Suppose we want to color the label of prnum in PR application.

1. in application designer, open property dialog of desired control. (PR in my case)
2. copy and paste below mentioned html label field in control properties:

<font style="background-color:blue; color:white; font-weight:bold;">PR</font>

3. Save and we are done :)

Thursday 18 May 2017

Sequence Error when Uploading Assets using MIF | IBM Maximo

for instance look at this error:
BMXAA8010E - An asset with the asset identifier 16,058 already exists. Enter a new asset identifier

Solution is very easy , just need to increment object's sequence (asset in my case)

Run these below mentioned command one by one in sqldeveloper(Oracle):

1. Increment of 10,000 in AssetIdSeq sequence:

2. Now run this select command once to update Asset Sequence Id
SELECT assetidseq.nextval FROM DUAL;

3. in last run this command to set Asset's Sequence back to routine:


Tuesday 9 May 2017

Keyattribute in Custom Application for Better Search | IBM Maximo

1. Export presentation xml
2. Append keyattribute=<custom filed>
(for example, in PR application, db unique field is PRID, but for as end user we use PRNUM)

<presentation id="PRID" keyattribute="PRNUM" ismobile="false" mboname="CUSTOMPR" resultstableid="results_showlist" version="6.0.0">

Monday 8 May 2017

Sort out of the box lookups using ORDERBY by using LOOKUP.XML - IBM Maximo

1. Open LOOKUP.XML in your favorite editor, mine is Notepad++ and find html tag looks like this:

<table id="worktype" inputmode="readonly" selectmode="single"
2. append this line and add where clause, and it will become like this:
<table id="worktype" inputmode="readonly" selectmode="single" orderby=" REPORTDATE desc">

Monday 1 May 2017

Shortest Way to Create a Custom Lookup (MBONAME attribute in xml) | IBM Maximo

1.Insert this into looksup.xml
<table id="custum_lookup" inputmode="readonly" mboname="custom_object" selectmode="single">
<tablebody displayrowsperpage="20" filterable="true" filterexpanded="true" id="custum_lookup_lookup_tablebody">
<tablecol dataattribute="description" id="custum_lookup_lookup_tablebody_col_2" mxevent="selectrecord" mxevent_desc="Go To %1" sortable="true" type="link"/>

2. Add this table id (custum_lookup) as lookup in application designer.
3. Add source and target in Edit Lookup Map.

We are done :)
another example with whereclause