Wednesday 31 August 2016

How to Add lookup to a custom field? | IBM Maximo

In this example we are going to create a new custom field in work order tracking application. And then we are going to attach a lookup to select existing people records.

  1. Create a new Table domain in Domain Application
    • Domain:    myPersonDomain
    • Object:        PERSON
    • Validation where clause:    personid = :myCustomField (same name as field in application) 

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Restrict default behaviour, Auto-Population of Asset Field everytime I select Location | IBM Maximo

use a simple Automation script to restrict this behavior because sometime work orders are opened against Location only.

A small Attibute automation script (ALP):
Business object:  WORKORDER
Attribute: LOCATION
Variable: vASSETNUM bind with ASSETNUM of object WORKORDER

copy and paste below mentioned code:
if  vASSETNUM is not None:

Monday 22 August 2016

Custom Field in Non-persistent Object ISSUECURRENTITEM | IBM Maximo

Add a new field in ISSUE CURRENT ITEM dialog and capturing the data in the MATUSETRANS table using automation script.

if owner and owner.getRecordMboName()=="INVENTORY": issueitemMbo=owner.getMboSet("ISSUECURRENTITEM").getMbo(0) if issueitemMbo: mbo.setValue("MATUSETRANScustomaFieldName", issueitemMbo.getString("ISSUECURRENTITEMcustomFieldName"))

Thanks to SASHULL

Maximo Safetyplan and associated Hazard n Precautions SQL | IBM Maximo

      , sp.description
      , h.hazardid
      , h.description
      , p.precautionid
      , P.description
      , p.siteid
      safetyplan sp
      spworkasset spwa
      on sp.safetyplanid = spwa.safetyplanid
      splexiconlink spll
      on spwa.spworkassetid = spll.spworkassetid