Tuesday 15 August 2023

A Guide to Installing and Configuring SSH Tunneling | Windows


Secure communication and data protection are paramount in today's digital landscape. One effective way to ensure this is through the use of SSH tunneling. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing, setting up, and utilizing SSH tunneling on a Windows operating system. This technique will provide you with a secure and encrypted channel for your data transmission needs.

Step 1: Install OpenSSH as a Windows Optional Feature
  1. Begin by installing OpenSSH as an optional feature on your Windows machine.
  2. Windows will automatically create a new firewall rule to permit inbound SSH access over port 22.
Note that, if you manually download and install OpenSSH, you'll need to create an inbound rule to allow SSH port access.

Step 2: Start and Enable the SSH Service

1. Open PowerShell as an administrator
2. Start the SSH service using the following command 
Start-Service ssh

3.Ensure the service starts automatically by executing:

Set-Service sshd -StartupType Automatic

 Step 3: Configure SSH Settings

1. To modify the default port, open the SSH configuration file using Notepad and make necessary changes to the port as desired.

notepad %programdata%\ssh\sshd_config

Step 4: Restart SSH Service and Create a Connection

1. Restart the SSH service using PowerShell:

Restart-Service sshd

Start-Service ssh-agent

 2. Establish a connection from another client Windows or Linux machine to verify:

ssh administrator@     # Replace with your SSH server IP

 Step 5: Creating Different Types of SSH Tunnels

1. To create a SOCKS 5 proxy using a tunnel, execute the following command:

ssh -D 8888 administrator@  

2. For a forward tunnel accessible only from, connecting to a remote host on port 22, use:
ssh -L 8888: administrator@  

With these step-by-step instructions, you've successfully installed, configured, and harnessed the power of SSH tunnelling on your Windows system. This encrypted tunnel ensures the security of your data during transmission and is invaluable for safeguarding your sensitive information. Whether you're connecting to remote services or creating secure proxies, SSH tunneling is a reliable tool for enhancing privacy and data protection.

Always use SSH tunneling responsibly and ensure you have proper authorization to access remote servers. Additionally, maintain up-to-date software to mitigate potential security vulnerabilities.

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