Monday 24 May 2021

Call Maximo Script from Rest API (http call) (Create SR Example) | Maximo

 Create a simple script in Maximo and Call the Maximo Rest API request to post/get the data.

Let's create a simple automation script, it will create an SR with minimal information. 

1. create a script in automation script application with below code:

from psdi.server import MXServer;
srSet = MXServer.getMXServer().getMboSet("SR", MXServer.getMXServer().getSystemUserInfo());
newSR = srSet.add();
newSR.setValue("TICKETID", request.getQueryParam("ticketid"));
newSR.setValue("DESCRIPTION", request.getQueryParam("description"));;

2. Now send below  request from Postman or any other tool:

http://localhost/maximo/oslc/script/createjsonsr?_lid=maxadmin&_lpwd=maxadmin&ticketid=123&description=test ticket

or We also can send the data in payload

POST http://localhost/maximo/oslc/script/createjsonsr

MAXAUTH <encoded 64bit>

    "ticketid" : "123456",
    "siteid" : "BEDFORD",
    "description" : "test SR from http call"


parameter appended in query string after (?)


To get the user info from the request


read and parse the request to get the payload. 

res = JSONObject.parse(output)
vId = res.get("id")

1 comment:

  1. Hi Abdul, This solution is quite good. I try to copy your script then change SR to DOCLINKS to import a attachment file, the physical file is put on \doclinks\attachements already. REST post is executed return '1', but doclinks is empty. Do you have a sample script to import attachment?
