Tuesday 19 January 2021

Reuseable Scripts - Invoke a Script from a Script - Jython | Maximo


  1. Can we invoke a script from another script?
  2. Is it possible to reuse the existing Script?
  3. Can we make the Global function and call it in the script when required?


My answer is yes to all the above questions, let's start with this example. 

--- " Do this job within 5 business days (excluding weekends (Friday, Saturday))! "

Okay. Today is 19-Jan, what is my, etc after 5 days.

we will handle this with 2 scripts: 

  1. a library script to take the parameter of date + days and gives an output. 
  2. our script from where we will call the library script. 
1. Create a Library Script and name it any like "LS-GETNEXTBUSINESSDAY"
copy the paste the code below into the body of it. 

from java.util import Calendar
cal = Calendar.getInstance();
while(loop<=n) :
    cal.add(cal.DATE, +1)
    if (cal.get(cal.DAY_OF_WEEK)) not in [cal.FRIDAY,cal.SATURDAY] : 
vNextBDay = cal.getTime()

2.  Call this function from another script with 2 parameters d, n ( date, days)

In my example, I have created my test script on Asset Object Launch Point for a specific asset for testing. you can use it anywhere in your script. 

from java.util import HashMap
vAsset = mbo.getString("ASSETNUM")
if vAsset == 'A-74061-D702003-10002':
    vParams = HashMap()
    vParams.put("d", mbo.getDate("changedate")) #date or u can take currentdate ()
    vParams.put("n"5#5 days
    vEtc = vParams.get("vNextBDay")

and we are done :). 

cal.getTime() will be use to take current date. 

HashMap() is used to bind the parameters because of the service.invokeScript method takes hashmap data structure as input.

Reference: IBM Knowledge Center

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