Recently we have a requirement to modify the content of communication templates based on the record; for instance, put all the lines of a PO into the communication template before sending an email.
Also, this technique can be used to send PO to the vendor by creating a new relationship to get the email id of the vendor from Companies.
1. Create an Object Launch Point automation script with SAVE - ADD - After Save events.
2. put this code as a script. it will call an existing template, modify and send it.
By: Shoaib Riaz
Also, this technique can be used to send PO to the vendor by creating a new relationship to get the email id of the vendor from Companies.
1. Create an Object Launch Point automation script with SAVE - ADD - After Save events.
2. put this code as a script. it will call an existing template, modify and send it.
if (mbo.getString("STATUS") == "APPR"):
# whereclause is a string with condition to select a comm.template
whereclause = "TEMPLATEID ='PO-APPR-MGRR'"
# Get the Communication template via Asset relationship to send email
# mbo is implicit asset object through which we get a template
ctMboSet = mbo.getMboSet("$commtemp","COMMTEMPLATE",whereclause);
ctMbo = ctMboSet.getMbo(0)
corcount = mbo.getMboSet("POLINE").count()
coractionset = mbo.getMboSet("POLINE")
txtres = " "
if corcount > 0:
txtres = "<style>.div { padding: 15px;font-weight:bold;}</style><p> ---------------------THIS IS AN AUTO GENERATED EMAIL DO NOT REPLY--------------------- </p>"+"<br /> " + "<P> ---------------------PO Details-----------------------</P> " + "<br />" +"<B>PONUM : </B>"+ mbo.getString("PONUM")+ "<span class=div> <B> Contract : </B></span>" + mbo.getString("")+"<span class=div> <B> Service : </B></span>"+ mbo.getString("")+"<span class=div> <B> Service Description : </B> </span>"+ mbo.getString("")+ "<br> </br>"+"<B>Payment Terms : </B>"+ mbo.getString("PAYMENTTERMS")+ "<br> </br>"+ "<B>Supplier Name : </B>"+ mbo.getString("ACTUALVENDOR")+" <br></br> "+"<B>Buyer Name : </B>"+mbo.getString("BUYER.DESCRIPTION")+"<br> </br>"+"<B>Vendor : </B>"+mbo.getString("VENDOR")+"<span class=div> <B> Vendor Description : </B> </span>"+mbo.getString("PO_VENDOR.NAME")+"<br></br>"+"<B>Total PO Cost :</B> "+mbo.getString("CURRENCYCODE")+" : "+mbo.getString("TOTALCOST")+"<br> </br>"+ "<P>---------------------POline Details-----------------------------</P> "+"<table border=1 width=1000 >"+ "<tr>" + "<th> Item </th>" + " <th> PRNUM </th> " + " <th> DESCRIPTION </th> " + " <th> QTY </th> " + "<th> UOM </th>" + "<th> Unitcost </th>" + "<th> Linecost </th>" + "<th> TAX </th>" + "<th> Budgeted </th>" + "<th> ETA </th>" + "</tr>"
statuscount =0;
while i < corcount:
coraction = coractionset.getMbo(i)
txtres = txtres +"<tr>" + "<td>"+ coraction.getString("ITEMNUM") +"</td>" + "<td>"+ coraction.getString("PRNUM") +"</td>" + "<td>"+ coraction.getString("DESCRIPTION") +"</td>" + " <td>"+ coraction.getString("ORDERQTY") +" </td> " + "<td> "+ coraction.getString("ORDERUNIT") +" </td>" + "<td> "+ coraction.getString("UNITCOST") +" </td>" + "<td> "+ coraction.getString("LINECOST") +" </td>" + "<td> "+ coraction.getString("TAX1") +" </td>" + "<td> "+ coraction.getString("ISBUDGETED") +" </td>"+ "<td width=100> "+ coraction.getString("ETA") +" </td>" + "</tr>"
txtres = txtres + "</table>"
ctMbo.setValue("MESSAGE", txtres)
if(ctMbo is not None):
By: Shoaib Riaz
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