One of the missing features we found is to NOT REINSTATE the work order generated from the PM.
1. Cancel from the Status Change Button:
If the user cancels a work order from the Change Status button, a Dialog box appears something like "do you want to reinstate " with Yes and No buttons.
(you have the option to choose either Reinstate or Not)
2. Cancel from the Workflow Action
If the Assigned User of workflow wants to CANCEL the record. The system will cancel the workflow and with Reinstate option Yes.
(No prompt/dialogs appear to ask for reinstating Yes or No. )
Recently we had a requirement of Increasing the PO quantity on the PO revision but allow the quantity increase. So, We used the automation script getPreviousValue() and getCurrentValue() functions in order to resolve this requirement.
Create Database Error Message on Database Config Application.
Group Default Person in Person Group is selected based on person calendar availability between work order target start and complete dates of attached "Calendar/ Shift".
The alternate person will be populated if group default is not available.
if alternate is also not available, Lowest person in the sequence of person group with calendar availability will be populated .
The Calendar and shifts should be properly applied.